Wednesday, November 27, 2013

WLST in Cluster - Try to use server name with application name. Multiple server targets deployed for application

While running WLST for policy related commands in single server domain, it worked fine.

listWebServicePolicies(None, 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]','soa','client','AIASessionPoolManager')
listWebServicePolicies(None, 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt')
listWebServicePolicies(None, 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess')
enableWebServicePolicy(None, 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIASessionPoolManager', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy(None, 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy(None, 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_or_http_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )

When running in domain with multiple server, it failed with error message:
Try to use server name with application name. Multiple server targets deployed for application

Resolution is quite simple, run it against one node or each node:

listWebServicePolicies('/soa_server1/soa-infra', 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]','soa','client','AIASessionPoolManager')
listWebServicePolicies('/soa_server1/soa-infra', 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt')
listWebServicePolicies('/soa_server1/soa-infra', 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess')
enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_server1/soa-infra', 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIASessionPoolManager', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_server1/soa-infra', 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_server1/soa-infra', 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_or_http_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )

listWebServicePolicies('/soa_server2/soa-infra', 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]','soa','client','AIASessionPoolManager')
listWebServicePolicies('/soa_server2/soa-infra', 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt')
listWebServicePolicies('/soa_server2/soa-infra', 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess')
enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_server2/soa-infra', 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIASessionPoolManager', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_server2/soa-infra', 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_server2/soa-infra', 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_or_http_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )

Connection timeout and recovery - usecase

Connection timeout and instance retries are quite related and easy to configure from Oracle SOA 11g console. Here is one of the use case we wanted go over to see how it works out in realistic production scenario.

Scenario for our environment:
Multiple processes deployed with interaction to mostly external web services and database (local and XA). There are some services or db calls which can take 10/20 minutes (entire call or even from one dehydration point to next dehydration point) and some should take no longer than 10 seconds (SLA). If takes longer than configured time, we certainly don't want to wait, and error out and do another process (e.g. send error notification) or send back error message, etc..

Configuration Screens: Below provides information on how to configure connection retries or various timeouts in SOA 11g.

Connection Retries

  • EM -> SOA-INFRA -> SOA Administration -> Common

  • EM -> SOA-INFRA -> SOA Administration -> BPEL

    • Retries related with global transaction rollback

    • Scheduled Retries 

Connection Timeouts

  • BPEL engine (EJB Timeout)
    • console -> deployments -> soa-infra -> control -> [ SELECT BEAN ] -> Configuration -> X seconds
  • BPELEngineBean
  • BPELDeliveryBean
  • BPELActivityManagerBean
  • BPELServerManagerBean
  • BPELProcessManagerBean
  • BPELInstanceManagerBean
  • BPELFinderBean

  • Sync Max

  • Query Timeout : Query timeout can be specified either from BPEL process or at data source level. Value in BPEL takes precedence over data source. 

    • Composite Level QueryTimeout (JCA file or Adapter Wizard)

    • Data Source Level - QueryTimeOut (Statement Timeout)

  • XA Timeout : if data source is XA, we can specify XA timeout, which takes precedence over JTA timeout

  • HTTP Connection Timeout (WS partnerlink or HTTP binding calls) : we can specify that in composite.xml file

  <reference name="PLSQL_WS" ui:wsdlLocation="http://mycomputer:8001/soa-infra/services/default/TimeoutChildComposite/PLSQL_JCA.wsdl">
    <interface.wsdl interface=""/>
    < port="" location="http://mycomputer:8001/soa-infra/services/default/TimeoutChildComposite/plsql_jca_client_ep?WSDL" soapVersion="1.1">
        <property name="oracle.webservices.httpConnTimeout" type="xs:integer" many="false" override="may">10000</property>
        <property name="oracle.webservices.httpReadTimeout" type="xs:integer" many="false" override="may">10000</property>
        <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption" type="xs:string" many="false">WSDLDriven</property>

Target Environment Settings
Below are the settings we used to achieve our scenario mentioned below.

Scenario for our environment:
Multiple processes deployed with interaction to mostly external web services and database (local and XA). There are some services or db calls which can take 10/20 minutes (entire call or even from one dehydration point to next dehydration point) and some should take no longer than 10 seconds (SLA). If takes longer than configured time, we certainly don't want to wait, and error out and do another process (e.g. send error notification) or send back error message, etc..

1. Disable All Retries
Disable All automated retries : It makes no sense for BPEL to automated retry upon JTA timeout or failed instances for any other reason. As it could be data issue or environment issue, and blind retries usually doesn't solve any problem. Retries can be orchestrated via Fault Policy or manually for a specific instance.

    • EM -> SOA-INFRA -> SOA Administration -> Common -> more SOA Infra advanced configuration properties
  • GlobalTxMaxRetry : 0
  • GlobalTxRetryInterval : 0

    • EM -> SOA-INFRA -> SOA Administration -> BPEL -> more BPEL Configuration Properties
      • ExpirationMaxRetry : 0
      • MaxRecoveryAttempt : 0
      • RecoveryConfig -> RecurringScheduleConfig
  • maxMessageRaiseSize : 0
  • startWindowTime: 00:00
  • stopWindowTime: 00:00
      • RecoveryConfig -> StartupScheduleConfig
  • maxMessageRaiseSize : 0
  • startupRecoveryDuration : 0
  • subsequentTriggerDelay : 0

2. Increase Global Timeouts
Increase all global timeout to support the slowest process in the system. Unfortunately there is no exception to this. You can not assign global timeout to specific set of processes. (I believe in 12c they might come up with feature to assign at partition level). We must increase all global timeout so that legitimate slowest process can be completed. After that we have to work backward so that process which needs to be finished faster doesn't get punished. We set all global timeout to 1200 seconds.
  • BPEL engine (EJB Timeout)
    • console -> deployments -> soa-infra -> control -> [ SELECT BEAN ] -> Configuration -> 1200 seconds
  • BPELEngineBean
  • BPELDeliveryBean
  • BPELActivityManagerBean
  • BPELServerManagerBean
  • BPELProcessManagerBean
  • BPELInstanceManagerBean
  • BPELFinderBean
  • SyncMaxWaitTime
    • EM -> SOA-INFRA -> SOA Administration -> BPEL -> more BPEL Configuration Properties -> SyncMaxWaitTime : 1200 seconds

3. Reset XA and Query Timeout
XA and Query Timeout doesn't work, at least not the way it is expected. Query and DB connection is going to get stuck as long as query runs (as explained in blog), unless it takes longer than BPEL/JTA timeout.

  • QueryTimeout

    • Composite JCA file (or Wizard)
    • Data source Level

  • Transaction Timeout
  • Enable (Set XA Transaction Timeout)
  • XA Transaction Timeout : 0
  • XA Retry Duration : 0
  • XA Retry Interval : 0

4. Process Configuration with SLA

Now as we have global timeout set at 20 minutes, but there are process which we don't want to wait for 20 minutes, but want to finish in matter or seconds (e.g. 10 seconds), and if not completed we want to do special processing (e.g. send email or return with error), etc.

Process is calling SOAP WS or HTTP Binding

We can specify httpConnTimeout and httpReadTimeout.
Note: If we don't specify those values, and if call takes longer than BPEL engine timeout/JTA timeout, entire transaction will be rolled back and process won't be able to do any error handling.

  <reference name="PLSQL_WS" ui:wsdlLocation="http://mycomputer:8001/soa-infra/services/default/TimeoutChildComposite/PLSQL_JCA.wsdl">
    <interface.wsdl interface=""/>
    < port="" location="http://mycomputer:8001/soa-infra/services/default/TimeoutChildComposite/plsql_jca_client_ep?WSDL" soapVersion="1.1">
        <property name="oracle.webservices.httpConnTimeout" type="xs:integer" many="false" override="may">5000</property>
        <property name="oracle.webservices.httpReadTimeout" type="xs:integer" many="false" override="may">5000</property>
        <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption" type="xs:string" many="false">WSDLDriven</property>

Process is calling DB Adapter
If you are calling JDBC, it is quite hard to provide connection timeout. Query timeout and XA timeout (for XA data sources) doesn't work they way expected as mentioned in blog. There are some work around we can use:

We can put DB adapter in a separate composite, or java WS, and then call from original composite with HTTP timeout, as below:

Friday, November 22, 2013

JDBC Connection Timeout

JDBC connection timeout works quite differently. E.g. for HTTP connection if you specify timeout, it will timeout and thread control will be given back to the caller. In JDBC connection timeout, it doesn't work that way, at least with JDBC driver. E.g. if we are making call to a stored procedure with timeout of 10 seconds, if stored procedure takes 5 minutes, it will throw Timeout Exception after 5 minutes.

E.g. for below simple stored procedure with sleep:



        ) IS
        MESSAGE       VARCHAR2(1000);
        END_TIME      TIMESTAMP;
        MESSAGE := 'START: ' || START_TIME;
        MESSAGE := MESSAGE || ' END: ' || END_TIME || ' TOTAL_TIME: ' || P_SECONDS || ' SECONDS';

        ) IS


Below is java code which calls this stored procedure with 5 second timeout and 120 seconds sleep in database stored procedure.

    public String callAdvanceSleepService(String dataSourceName, String input) throws Exception {
        try {
            Connection connection = getConnection(dataSourceName);
            CallableStatement statement = connection.prepareCall("{call SPRINGJMS.SLEEP_PACKAGE.SLEEP_PROC(?,?)}");
            statement.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(input));
            statement.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
            System.out.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " Executing SPRINGJMS.SLEEP_PACKAGE.SLEEP_PROC ");
            int execution = statement.executeUpdate();
            String output = statement.getString(2);
            System.out.println(" execution : " + execution + " output " + output );
            return output;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            System.out.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " Exception ");
            throw e;
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        WaitService waitService = new WaitService();
        waitService.callAdvanceSleepService("local", "120");

In above example, the code will throw an exception after 120 seconds instead of timeout of 5 seconds.

Weblogic Data Source

Now if we configure the datasource at weblogic level and execute the code as deployed service, the same thing remains true. The data source does have Statement Query Timout, but as I have it in my code, it will overwrite the connection level query timeout.

SOA DB Adapter

For SOA DB adapter, the behavior remains the same, and Query Timeout can be specified either at data source level or in JCA file as below.

<adapter-config name="PLSQL_WAIT" adapter="Database Adapter" wsdlLocation="PLSQL_WAIT.wsdl" xmlns="">
  <connection-factory location="eis/DB/springjms" UIConnectionName="springjms" adapterRef=""/>
  <endpoint-interaction portType="PLSQL_WAIT_ptt" operation="PLSQL_WAIT">
    <interaction-spec className="oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBStoredProcedureInteractionSpec">
      <property name="SchemaName" value="SPRINGJMS"/>
      <property name="PackageName" value="SLEEP_PACKAGE"/>
      <property name="ProcedureName" value="SLEEP_PROC"/>
      <property name="QueryTimeout" value="60"/>
      <property name="GetActiveUnitOfWork" value="false"/>


However, in DB Adapter, BPEL EJB timeout and JTA would also play critical role. JTA/BPEL timeout would take precedence over any other.

Query Timeout Actual Query Execution Time JTA and BPEL engine timeout Actal Output
30 120 60 Get JTA timeout exception after 60 seconds - Exception is not catched in BPEL
30 120 300 Get SQLTimeoutException exception after 120 seconds - Exception in catched in BPEL
None 120 60 Get JTA timeout after 60 seconds - Exception is not catched in BPEL
600 120 60 Get JTA timeout after 60 seconds - Exception no catched in BPEL

For a specific use case, if we want to achieve similar effect as HTTP connection timeout, we can put the DB adapter service in separate composite, that way caller process (Composite A) will continue its work after timeout and Composite B can be stuck if procedure is slow.

Composite A (BPEL) -> Composite B (BPEL + DB Adapter)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

From Email Address : Name

In 10g, you can set "name" associated with from inside ns_emails.xml. In 11g we have to set inside the code as below:

From name  not configurable from server settings as it was used to be in 10g. However, we can use below to achieve the similar from server settings.

  • Clear the From User Name in BPEL

  • Set the From Address as "Name ", e.g. Chintan Shah

  • If you have configured multiple email account, you can use setASNDriver method

SOA 11g - Email Configuration with multiple accounts - Multiple SMTP server

Below are steps to configure multiple email accounts (associated with different From email address), using different SMTP server.

For example below is hypothetical requirement:,
We have SMTP server running on localhost 25 and localhost 27, and we would like to configure email account Default ( to send email from localhost 25, and HR ( to send email from (localhost 27).

For the first part, we have to perform the same step as we have done in reference blog where we are creating Default and HR email account. Once that is done, we have to perform following steps:

  • Copy the email plan
 $SOA_HOME/usermessagingdriver-email_Plan.xml -> $SOA_HOME/communications/plans/usermessagingdriver-email_HRPlan.xml
  • Search/Replace in $SOA_HOME/communications/plans/usermessagingdriver-email_HRPlan.xml 
@DriverDeploymentName@    ->        usermessagingdriver-hr
@DriverShortName@               ->        hr
@RunAsPrincipalName@         ->        OracleSystemUser
  • Deploy new Email Driver (EM -> Weblogic Domain -> <> -> Application Deployment -> Deploy
  • Select $SOA_HOME/communications/applications/sdpmessagingdriver-email.ear as archive and $SOA_HOME/communications/plans/usermessagingdriver-email_HRPlan.xml as Plan.
  • Target to SOA server
  • Use below Application Name and Context Root
Application Name : usermessagingdriver-HR
Context Root         : sdpmessagingdriver-HR/email-mbeanlifecycle
  • Deploy
  • Configure UMS email driver specifically send email with "from" email from
    • Go to usermessagingdriver-email -> Email Driver Properties
    • Sender Addresses -> (note : EMAIL: prefix is required)
  • Configure newly created HR email driver
    • Put Sender Address as ( to restrict to use this UMS driver only for email which are being sent from
    • Set the outgoing email server as localhost 27, as HR will be using different SMTP server

  •  Restart
  • Now if we use HR in BPEL email activity, localhost 27 will be used and from email address will be
  • if we use Default in BPEL email activity, localhost 25 will be used and from email address will be

SOA 11g - Email Configuration with multiple accounts - Single SMTP server

Below are steps to configure multiple email accounts (associated with different From email address), using single SMTP server.

For example below is hypothetical requirement:,
We have SMTP server running on localhost 25, and we would like to configure email account Default ( and HR (

  • Configure usermessagedriver-email  
 Configure as below. Please make sure Sender Address is blank, so we will be able use this UMS driver for any "from" email (e.g.,, which want to use for this demo)

  • Configure Workflow Properties as below

  • Till above, we have configured Default email account. Now we will configure HR email account as below using ASNSDriver. Click on "More Workflow Notification Properties"

  • Click on Operation -> setASNSDriver

  • Configure ASNS Driver
Property Name : EmailFromAddress
Property Value :
Driver Name     : HR

Click Invoke.

You can invoke this method multiple times to set different values. It will be upsert operation.

Property Name : EmailReplyToAddress
Property Value :
Driver Name     : HR

Property Name : EmailRespondToAddress
Property Value :
Driver Name     : HR

Property Name : IMRespondToAddress
Property Value :
Driver Name     : HR

  • Verify ANS Driver
 Click on Attributes, and verify Default and HR both shows up under ASNSDrivers

  • Restart Admin and SOA servers

  • Now, inside BPEL Email activity, we can use HR to send email from, and Default to send email from

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Enabling/Disabling Policy for Composite using WLST

To disable policy set, we can use WLST as mentioned here, however could not find the WLST command to disable the policy. However, we can still disable the policy which are attached to composite, using enableWebServicePolicy.

enableWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, 
subjectName, policyURI, [enable], [subjectType=None] ))

For a Composite, it would be :

application -> None
moduleOrCompName -> [partition/CompositeName[version]]
moduleType -> soa
serviceName -> from EM Console  
e.g. it would be aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep in below screenshot


subjectName -> from Runtime WSDL file
e.g. It would be AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt in below screenshot

policyURI -> from EM Console
e.g. it would be oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON in below screenshot

enable -> true/false
subjectType -> None      

Below are few example to list and disable the policy attachment to services:

cd $SOA_HOME/common/bin
listWebServicePolicies(None, 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]','soa','client','AIASessionPoolManager')
listWebServicePolicies(None, 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt')
listWebServicePolicies(None, 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess')

enableWebServicePolicy(None, 'default/AIASessionPoolManager[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIASessionPoolManager', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy(None, 'default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'aiaerrortaskadministrationprocess_client_ep', 'AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_pt', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )
enableWebServicePolicy(None, 'default/AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess[1.0]', 'soa', 'client', 'AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess', 'oracle/aia_wss_saml_or_username_or_http_token_service_policy_OPT_ON', false, None )

if you get error : "Try to use server name with application name. Multiple server targets deployed for application", refer to this blog

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Weblogic Queue/Topic with Database Persistence

To configure Weblogic Queue/Topic with Database Persistence, you can follow below steps:

  • Create non transactional data source. I have used springjms as name of schema and name of datasource. Please make sure to create non transactional data source. 

  • Go back to data source and uncheck the global transaction if it is checked 

  • Create persistence Store

Rest of the things are straight forward as file based JMS artifacts, but still documented here for complete reference.

  • Create JMS Server

  • Create JMS Module 

  • Create JMS SubDeployment 

  • Create JMS Connection Factory

  • Create JMS Queue

  • At the end, it should look something like below:

  • Configure JMS Adapter

  • We can see the data in database table SPRINGWLSTORE. When data is en queued from publisher, it is stored in this table and deleted upon consumption