Enable Platform Encryption
Encrypt Fields
Create Acount
a) create permission set
b) assign system permission for this permission set
c) Assign permission set to current user
Fields to encrypt (Setup -> Platform Encryption)
Create Account
Created account with name : My Account
If we run SOQL against account, now it would return error.
select id, name, description from Account where name like '%My%'
[object Object]: description from Account where name like '%My%' ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:49 encrypted field 'Account.name' cannot be filtered in a query call
If we run below SOSL, we can access our account:
FIND {My} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name, Description, AnnualRevenue)
FIND {M*} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name, Description, AnnualRevenue)
FIND {M*} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name, Description, AnnualRevenue WHERE Name LIKE 'M%')
Error Message
Description, AnnualRevenue WHERE Name LIKE 'M%')
ERROR at Row:1:Column:82
encrypted field 'Account.Name' cannot be filtered in a query call
So, we need to be careful when we write SOSL or SOQL where clause (especially in managed package) given that fields could be encrypted.