I know it has been around for a long time, but recently found this useful feature, where I can request the logs of all emails that has been sent. It can be super useful for troubleshooting.
It would be nice to have some heroku app which can download this periodically and create cases for emails that are not delivered.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Mock Framework
As Salesforce has introduced powerful mock framework for testing, we wrote thin layer on top of it to take full advantage of the dynamic mock class that you can create.
It is always a good practice to break down your classes, and methods into small chunks, and mostly take further reusable methods in services. However, at the time of testing, it gets hard to test your code if it relies on too many services method. You have to have to knowledge of the service.
In code, it may look like
And caller
Now when we write the test class for MockDemoServiceCaller, it would be good to have full control over the output of mock demo service. We should be able to return various result including the exception. Salesforce mock framework allows you to mock the service so you have full control when you write the test class for service caller.
Here is example of the code. You can see in line 19 and 20, we create dynamic service instance using mock framework, as well as send mock individual method and return the response.
On line 34, we can see, we can even return the exception in the dynamic mock instance that we create, and hence we have full control on how to test the service caller.
With wrapper around salesforce framework, we don't need to write individual mock classes, but we can declarative use what to mock and what it would return.
Web Service Mock
Web service mock framework has been around for years, however we have to write mock class for each web service we are trying to call. With this framework, we can declarative create dynamic instance of the mock class and test the class which is calling web service. e.g. below
Actual Class
Test Class
As you can see, we don't have to write the mock class for each web service, we simply just need to use the http mock callout and set the response as mentioned in line 25 and 33.
You can download the code from : https://github.com/springsoa/springsoa-salesforce
or from unmanaged package here
It is always a good practice to break down your classes, and methods into small chunks, and mostly take further reusable methods in services. However, at the time of testing, it gets hard to test your code if it relies on too many services method. You have to have to knowledge of the service.
In code, it may look like
/** * Created by Chintan Shah on 10/18/2019. */ /** * this is the service that will be called by caller * it would be faked out during the testing framework. */ public with sharing class MockDemoService { public List<String> toUpper(List<String> inputs) { List<String> outputs = new List<String>(); for(String input : inputs ) { outputs.add( input.toUpperCase() ); } return outputs; } public String concat(List<String> inputs) { String output = null; for(String input : inputs ) { output = ( output == null ? '' : ( output + ' ' ) ) + input; } return output; } }
And caller
/** * Created by Chintan Shah on 10/18/2019. */ /** * demo of how to use this framework. * * MockDemoServiceCaller -> MockDemoService * * During testing, we will just mock the entire MockDemoService * */ public with sharing class MockDemoServiceCaller { /** * instance of mockDemoService */ public MockDemoService mockDemoService; /** * regular constructor */ public MockDemoServiceCaller() { mockDemoService = new MockDemoService(); } /** * entry point for fake service * * @param */ public MockDemoServiceCaller(MockDemoService mockDemoService) { this.mockDemoService = mockDemoService; } /** * sample routine that we are going to test. */ public String sampleRoutine(List<String> inputs) { try { System.debug(' MockDemoServiceCaller.sampleRoutine inputs ' + JSON.serialize(inputs) ); List<String> outputs = mockDemoService.toUpper( new List<String> { 'John', 'Doe' } ); System.debug(' MockDemoServiceCaller.sampleRoutine outputs ' + JSON.serialize(outputs) ); String output = mockDemoService.concat( outputs ); System.debug(' MockDemoServiceCaller.sampleRoutine output ' + output ); return output; } catch(Exception e) { throw new MockException('What\' up? ' + e.getStackTraceString() ); } } }
Now when we write the test class for MockDemoServiceCaller, it would be good to have full control over the output of mock demo service. We should be able to return various result including the exception. Salesforce mock framework allows you to mock the service so you have full control when you write the test class for service caller.
Here is example of the code. You can see in line 19 and 20, we create dynamic service instance using mock framework, as well as send mock individual method and return the response.
On line 34, we can see, we can even return the exception in the dynamic mock instance that we create, and hence we have full control on how to test the service caller.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | /** * Created by Chintan Shah on 10/18/2019. */ /** * test class for MockDemoServiceCaller */ @isTest public with sharing class MockDemoServiceCallerTest { @testSetup public static void testSetup() { } @isTest public static void testSampleRoutine1() { MockProvider mockDeMockServiceProvider = new MockProvider( MockDemoService.class ); MockDemoService mockDemoService = (MockDemoService) mockDeMockServiceProvider.getMock(); mockDeMockServiceProvider.addReturnValue( 'toUpper', new List<String> { 'HELLO', 'WORLD' } ); mockDeMockServiceProvider.addReturnValue( 'concat', 'HELLO TEST' ); // initialize MockDemoServiceCaller with mock MockDemoService MockDemoServiceCaller mockDemoServiceCaller = new MockDemoServiceCaller( mockDemoService ); String output = mockDemoServiceCaller.sampleRoutine( new List<String> { 'John', 'Doe'} ); System.assertEquals( output, 'HELLO TEST', 'It should be HELLO TEST based on mock '); } @isTest public static void testSampleRoutine2() { MockProvider mockDeMockServiceProvider = new MockProvider( MockDemoService.class ); MockDemoService mockDemoService = (MockDemoService) mockDeMockServiceProvider.getMock(); mockDeMockServiceProvider.addReturnValue( 'toUpper', new List<String> { 'HELLO', 'WORLD' } ); mockDeMockServiceProvider.addReturnValue( 'concat', new MockException('Test Exception') ); // initialize MockDemoServiceCaller with mock MockDemoService MockDemoServiceCaller mockDemoServiceCaller = new MockDemoServiceCaller( mockDemoService ); try { String output = mockDemoServiceCaller.sampleRoutine( new List<String> { 'John', 'Doe'} ); System.assert( false, 'Exception was expected, success was not expected '); } catch(Exception e) { System.assert( true, 'Exception was expected. '); } } } |
With wrapper around salesforce framework, we don't need to write individual mock classes, but we can declarative use what to mock and what it would return.
Web Service Mock
Web service mock framework has been around for years, however we have to write mock class for each web service we are trying to call. With this framework, we can declarative create dynamic instance of the mock class and test the class which is calling web service. e.g. below
Actual Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | /** * Created by Chintan Shah on 10/19/2019. */ public with sharing class MockDemoWebServiceCaller { public List<Map<String,Object>> httpGetCallout(String url) { List<Map<String,Object>> returnEmployees = new List<Map<String,Object>>(); Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.setEndpoint( url ); request.setMethod('GET'); System.debug(' MockDemoWebServiceCaller.httpGetCallout url ' + url ); HttpResponse response = http.send(request); if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) { System.debug(' response.getBody() ' + response.getBody() ); List<Object> employees = (List<Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped( response.getBody() ); for(Object employee : employees ) { Map<String, Object> currentEmployee = ( Map<String, Object> ) ( employee ); returnEmployees.add( currentEmployee ); } } else { throw new MockException( response.getStatusCode() + ' ' + response.getBody() ); } system.debug( ' MockDemoWebServiceCaller.httpGetCallout returnEmployees ' + returnEmployees ); return returnEmployees; } public List<Map<String,Object>> getAllEmployees() { try { return httpGetCallout('https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/hr/employees'); } catch(Exception e) { throw new MockException(e); } } public List<Map<String,Object>> getEmployee(String column, String value) { try { return httpGetCallout('https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/hr/employee/' + column + '/' + value ); } catch(Exception e) { throw new MockException(e); } } } |
Test Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | /** * Created by Chintan Shah on 10/19/2019. */ @isTest public with sharing class MockDemoWebServiceCallerTest { @testSetup public static void testSetup() { } @isTest public static void testGetAllEmployees() { MockHttpCallout mockHttpCallout = new MockHttpCallout(); mockHttpCallout.setMock(); mockHttpCallout.addJsonHttpResponse('https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/hr/employees', '[{"ExternalId":"E-001","Name":"Chintan Shah","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-001","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-001"},{"ExternalId":"E-002","Name":"Chuck Summer","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-002","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-001"},{"ExternalId":"E-003","Name":"Chris Walker","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-003","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-001"},{"ExternalId":"E-004","Name":"Dan Topper","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-004","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-002"},{"ExternalId":"E-005","Name":"Drew Berry","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-005","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-002"},{"ExternalId":"E-006","Name":"Don Aiken","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-006","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-002"}]'); System.assertEquals( 6, new MockDemoWebServiceCaller().getAllEmployees().size(), 'Should be 6'); } @isTest public static void testGetEmployee() { // MockHttpCallout mockHttpCallout = new MockHttpCallout(); mockHttpCallout.setMock(); mockHttpCallout.addJsonHttpResponse('https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/hr/employee/Name/Chintan', '[{"ExternalId":"E-001","Name":"Chintan Shah","DisplayUrl":"https://external.com/E-001","EmployeeAccountKey":"Account-001"}]'); System.assertEquals( 1, new MockDemoWebServiceCaller().getEmployee('Name','Chintan').size() , 'Should be 1'); } @isTest public static void testGetAllEmployees2() { MockHttpCallout mockHttpCallout = new MockHttpCallout(); mockHttpCallout.setMock(); mockHttpCallout.addErrorResponse('https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/hr/employees', 401 ); try { new MockDemoWebServiceCaller().getAllEmployees().size(); System.assert( false, 'Exception was expected, success was not expected '); } catch(Exception e) { System.assert( true, 'Exception was expected. '); } } @isTest public static void testGetEmployee2() { // MockHttpCallout mockHttpCallout = new MockHttpCallout(); mockHttpCallout.setMock(); mockHttpCallout.addErrorResponse('https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/hr/employee/Name/Chintan', 401); try { new MockDemoWebServiceCaller().getEmployee('Name','Chintan').size(); System.assert( false, 'Exception was expected, success was not expected '); } catch(Exception e) { System.assert( true, 'Exception was expected. '); } } } |
As you can see, we don't have to write the mock class for each web service, we simply just need to use the http mock callout and set the response as mentioned in line 25 and 33.
You can download the code from : https://github.com/springsoa/springsoa-salesforce
or from unmanaged package here
Thursday, October 10, 2019
External Data Service
As mentioned in my previous blog : https://chintanblog.blogspot.com/2017/05/odataheroku-with-salesforce-integrate.html , if we can expose the external data as OData 2.0 or 4.0, we can directly consume them in salesforce as External Objects. The second option would be to directly consume those web service using External Data Service and consume them as external objects.
As you can see above, either you can put thin layer against external web service to do protocol conversion to support Odata (as mentioned in https://chintanblog.blogspot.com/2017/05/odataheroku-with-salesforce-integrate.html) or write the plugin in Apex.
Here we will discuss how to write External Data Service in Apex.
1) I created a sample external web service to just for the demo - It is HR service, which return list of employees, and also employees by name, account, etc..
2) As next step, we need to write
ExternalDataSourceProvider -> ExternalDataSourceConnection -> ExternalDataService
a) ExternalDataSourceProvider
this class basically extends DataSource.Provider, and provides what capability are supported from both authentication and database support (e.g. query, update)
b) ExternalDataSourceConnection
This class extends DataSource.Connection, and responsible for providing table structures and as well as data results which will be consumed by query associated with External Objects
3) ExternalDataService, which takes care of calling web service and returning the data needed for ExternalDataSourceConnection.
This basically :
We can see external Objects now:
Once it is done, it is ready to be tested on Account page layout, due to indirect lookup relationship, Employee external object would be available in Account Page layout.
This way we can consume external service as external object without external Odata layer.
Source Code :
As you can see above, either you can put thin layer against external web service to do protocol conversion to support Odata (as mentioned in https://chintanblog.blogspot.com/2017/05/odataheroku-with-salesforce-integrate.html) or write the plugin in Apex.
Here we will discuss how to write External Data Service in Apex.
1) I created a sample external web service to just for the demo - It is HR service, which return list of employees, and also employees by name, account, etc..
2) As next step, we need to write
ExternalDataSourceProvider -> ExternalDataSourceConnection -> ExternalDataService
a) ExternalDataSourceProvider
this class basically extends DataSource.Provider, and provides what capability are supported from both authentication and database support (e.g. query, update)
/** * Created by chint on 10/4/2019. */ global without sharing class ExternalDataSourceProvider extends DataSource.Provider { override global List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability> getAuthenticationCapabilities() { System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceProvider.getAuthenticationCapabilities '); List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability> capabilities = new List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability> { DataSource.AuthenticationCapability.ANONYMOUS }; System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceProvider.getAuthenticationCapabilities ' + JSON.serialize(capabilities) ); return capabilities; } override global List<DataSource.Capability> getCapabilities() { System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceProvider.getCapabilities '); List<DataSource.Capability> capabilities = new List<DataSource.Capability> { DataSource.Capability.ROW_QUERY }; System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceProvider.getCapabilities ' + JSON.serialize(capabilities) ); return capabilities; } override global DataSource.Connection getConnection(DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionParams) { System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceProvider.getConnection connectionParams: ' + connectionParams); DataSource.Connection connection = new ExternalDataSourceConnection(connectionParams); System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceProvider.getConnection connection: ' + connection); return connection; } }
b) ExternalDataSourceConnection
This class extends DataSource.Connection, and responsible for providing table structures and as well as data results which will be consumed by query associated with External Objects
/** * Created by chint on 10/4/2019. */ global without sharing class ExternalDataSourceConnection extends DataSource.Connection { private DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionInfo ; global ExternalDataSourceConnection(DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionInfo) { System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceConnection.ExternalDataSourceConnection connectionInfo: ' + JSON.serialize(connectionInfo)); this.connectionInfo = connectionInfo; } override global List<DataSource.Table> sync() { System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceConnection.sync '); List<DataSource.Table> tables = ExternalDataService.getInstance().getTables(); System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceConnection.sync tables ' + JSON.serialize(tables) ); return tables; } override global DataSource.TableResult query(DataSource.QueryContext context) { try { printContent(context); DataSource.TableResult tableResult = DataSource.TableResult.get(context, ExternalDataService.getInstance().getData(context) ); System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceConnection.query tableResult ' + JSON.serialize(tableResult)); return tableResult; } catch (Exception currentException) { String message = currentException.getMessage() + currentException.getStackTraceString() ; System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceConnection.query exception : ' + message ); throw new DataSource.DataSourceException(message); } } public static void printContent(DataSource.QueryContext context) { System.debug(' ExternalDataSourceConnection.printContent queryMoreToken ' + context.queryMoreToken + ' tableSelected ' + context.tableSelection.tableSelected ); DataSource.Filter filter = context.tableSelection.filter; List<DataSource.Order> orders = context.tableSelection.order; List<DataSource.ColumnSelection> columnsSelected = context.tableSelection.columnsSelected; if( filter != null ) { System.debug('ExternalDataSourceConnection.printContent filter columnName ' + filter.columnName + ' columnValue ' + filter.columnValue + ' subfilters ' + filter.subfilters + ' tableName ' + filter.tableName + ' type ' + filter.type ); } if( orders != null ) { for(DataSource.Order order : orders ) { System.debug('ExternalDataSourceConnection.printContent order columnName ' + order.columnName + ' tableName ' + order.tableName + ' direction ' + order.direction ); } } if( columnsSelected != null ) { for(DataSource.ColumnSelection columnSelected : columnsSelected ) { System.debug('ExternalDataSourceConnection.printContent columnSelected columnName ' + columnSelected.columnName + ' tableName ' + columnSelected.tableName + ' aggregation ' + columnSelected.aggregation ); } } } }
3) ExternalDataService, which takes care of calling web service and returning the data needed for ExternalDataSourceConnection.
/** * Created by chint on 10/4/2019. */ public without sharing class ExternalDataService { private static ExternalDataService instance; private ExternalDataService() { System.debug(' ExternalDataService.ExternalDataService '); } public static ExternalDataService getInstance() { System.debug(' ExternalDataService.getInstance '); if( instance == null ) { instance = new ExternalDataService(); } return instance; } public List<DataSource.Table> getTables() { System.debug(' ExternalDataService.getTables '); List<DataSource.Table> tables = new List<DataSource.Table> { getEmployeeTable(), getAddressTable() }; System.debug(' ExternalDataService.getTables tables ' + JSON.serialize(tables) ); return tables; } public List<Map<String, Object>> getData(DataSource.QueryContext context) { System.debug(' ExternalDataService.getData context ' + context ); return getEmployeeData(context); } private DataSource.Table getEmployeeTable() { List<DataSource.Column> columns; columns = new List<DataSource.Column>(); columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('ExternalId', 255)); columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('Name', 255)); columns.add(DataSource.Column.url('DisplayUrl')); columns.add(DataSource.Column.indirectLookup('EmployeeAccountKey', 'Account', 'Account_Key__c')); return DataSource.Table.get('Employee', 'ExternalId', columns); } private List<Map<String, Object>> getDummyData() { Map<String,Object> row1 = new Map<String,Object> { 'ExternalId' => 'Emp1', 'Name' => 'Chintan Shah', 'EmployeeAccountKey' => 'ACN1' }; Map<String,Object> row2 = new Map<String,Object> { 'ExternalId' => 'Emp2', 'Name' => 'Mark Twain', 'EmployeeAccountKey' => 'ACN1' }; Map<String,Object> row3 = new Map<String,Object> { 'ExternalId' => 'Emp3', 'Name' => 'John Doe', 'EmployeeAccountKey' => 'ACN2' }; List<Map<String,Object>> dataRows = new List<Map<String,Object>> { row1, row2, row3 }; return dataRows; } private List<Map<String, Object>> getEmployeeData(DataSource.QueryContext context) { if( context.tableSelection != null && context.tableSelection.tableSelected == 'Employee' ) { DataSource.Filter filter = context.tableSelection.filter; String url = '/hr/employees'; if( filter != null ) { url = '/hr/employee/' + filter.columnName + '/' + filter.columnValue; } List<Map<String,Object>> response = httpGetCallout('HerokuBasicAuth', url); return response; } return new List<Map<String,Object>>(); } public static List<Map<String,Object>> httpGetCallout(String namedCredentials, String url) { List<Map<String,Object>> returnEmployees = new List<Map<String,Object>>(); Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.setEndpoint('callout:' + namedCredentials + url ); request.setMethod('GET'); HttpResponse response = http.send(request); if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) { System.debug(' response.getBody() ' + response.getBody() ); List<Object> employees = (List<Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped( response.getBody() ); for(Object employee : employees ) { Map<String, Object> currentEmployee = ( Map<String, Object> ) ( employee ); returnEmployees.add( currentEmployee ); } } system.debug( ' ExternalDataService.httpGetCallout returnEmployees ' + returnEmployees ); return returnEmployees; } private DataSource.Table getAddressTable() { DataSource.Table table = new DataSource.Table(); List<DataSource.Column> columns; columns = new List<DataSource.Column>(); columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('ExternalId', 255)); columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('Street', 255)); columns.add(DataSource.Column.text('ZipCode', 255)); columns.add(DataSource.Column.url('DisplayUrl')); columns.add(DataSource.Column.indirectLookup('AddressAccountKey', 'Account', 'Account_Key__c')); return DataSource.Table.get('Address', 'ExternalId', columns); } private List<Map<String, Object>> getAddressData(DataSource.QueryContext context) { List<Map<String,Object>> dataRows = new List<Map<String,Object>>(); return dataRows; } }
This basically :
- understand the context (name of the table, query criteria
- calls the webservice
- returns the data in List
We can see external Objects now:
Once it is done, it is ready to be tested on Account page layout, due to indirect lookup relationship, Employee external object would be available in Account Page layout.
This way we can consume external service as external object without external Odata layer.
Source Code :
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Lightning Component Web Service Integration
When calling web service from lightning component, we can either call it from apex using @AuraEnabled method, or we can call from lightning component client side controller. This is specially important when you want to avoid governor limits on Apex side, e.g. uploading file bigger than 7MB or calling web service which could potentially take more than 120s. We can directly use browser to call the web service.
Calling web service from client side controller (browser integration)
1) We need to make sure that web service we call, allows cross origin and it is https enabled
We wrote simple web service in Heroku
2) We need to make sure the web service URL is added to CSP trusted site for locker service
3) Now, lightning component (client side controller)
We can make call to web service
Source Code
Calling web service from client side controller (browser integration)
1) We need to make sure that web service we call, allows cross origin and it is https enabled
We wrote simple web service in Heroku
2) We need to make sure the web service URL is added to CSP trusted site for locker service
3) Now, lightning component (client side controller)
We can make call to web service
({ doInit: function (c, e, h) { }, postData: function (c, e, h) { c.set('v.isProcessing', true); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = 'https://basic-authentication-ws.herokuapp.com/echo'; xhr.open('POST', url, true); xhr.onload = function () { if (this.status === 200) { c.set('v.isProcessing', false); c.set('v.response', this.response); } }; xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'); xhr.send(JSON.stringify({message: c.get('v.message')})); } });
Source Code
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