Wednesday, April 9, 2008
ESB (and BPEL) purge instances
Database Scripts
For SOASuite ESB purge instances scripts are provided as part of installation (%soasuite%/integration/esb/sql/other):
- purge_by_date.sql
- purge_by_instance_id.sql
- purge_by_id.sql
ESB Client API
Database scripts are always good, but it should be best practice to rely on API provided by product. Same as BPEL Client API, whatever you can do in ESB console you can do via ESB client API. I used %soasuite%/bpel/bin/obtunnel.bat to check what XML based payload it is using. For cleaning the ESB instances, here is the sample code:
purgeInstance.consoleClient = purgeInstance.getESBClient();
String purge = "<instanceManage enable='true' userPurgeTimePeriod='14400000'/>";
HashMap<String, String> requestProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
requestProps.put("root", purge);
purgeInstance.consoleClient.perform("UpdateTrackingConfig", requestProps);
Here time period is in milliseconds and all instances older than timestamp will be purged. If we need to purge all instances, we need to change userPurgeTimePeriod='0'.
Custom ANT Task
I saw the custom ANT tasks for managing BPEL domain, purge instances, etc.. It is an amazing job done by Ramkumar Menon ( ). I used his framework and added some tasks for managing ESB.
It is really easy to use this tasks, e.g. for managing BPEL domain you can specify following in build.xml:
<BPELServerAdmin providerurl="${bpelProviderURL}" username="${bpelUsername}" password="${bpelPassword}">
<manageDomain domain="${bpelDomainName}">
<purgeInstances select="all" fromdatetime="${bpelPurgeInstanceFromDateTime}" todatetime="${bpelPurgeInstanceToDateTime}"/>
<undeployProcesses select="BPELProcess.*" type="all" revision="all"/>
This will purge instances based on timestamp and undeploy the processes.
For ESB, this is what I added:
<ESBServerAdmin username="${esbUsername}" password="${esbPassword}" hostname="${esbHostName}" port="${esbPort}">
<purgeESBInstances todatetime="${esbPurgeInstanceToDateTime}"/>
You can purge ESB instances based on timestamp, from and to is not supported. Probably it can be enhanced if there is requirement.
Here is the link for downloading Ant task with readme file, sample build.xml and sample file.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Performance with ESB and BPEL UDDI runtime lookups
BPEL run-time look-ups:
1) You have to define/publish wsdl in service registry. If you publish wsdl through User Interface, it creates unique sequence id for registry key which you can change using registry user interface. You can also use registry API to publish wsdl of the service.
2) Define registryServiceKey as property of partnerlink
You can either edit bpel.xml or edit the partnerlink to achieve it:
3) Define registry URLs in domain.xml
ESB run-time look-ups:
1) You have to define/publish wsdl in service registry. If you publish wsdl through User Interface, it creates unique sequence id for registry key which you can change using registry user interface. You can also use registry API to publish wsdl of the service.
2) Define registryServiceKey as end point property for service
3) Define registry URLs in integration/esb/config/esb_config.ini file
After enabling run-time look-ups ESB or BPEL calling any service via UDDI was taking longer than 1 minutes to invoke (it was couple of milliseconds earlier). Upon analysis we find out the actual invocation was not the issue but preparing the call (get-wsdl, parse wsdl and store in specific cache) was taking the longest time.
Also we saw that if load on BPEL and ESB if not very high, I don't see many performance issues but as soon as load increases (with number of threads) things get really slow. We did look at service registry logs and it's response time, service registry was extremely fast.
Here is what we found the reason behind slowness: ESB and BPEL both caches WSDL into their cache in specific format. If we do run-time look-ups BPEL and ESB gets the WSDL using service registry (which is pretty fast), but analyzing those wsdl and storing them in structure which BPEL and ESB run-time engine can understand takes a long time.
In conclusion, all this stuff BPEL, ESB, OSR - run-time look-ups looked like an ideal approach but had some performance drawbacks. All that glitters is not gold :)