Tuesday, May 3, 2011

XRefUtility 10g

Recently had chance to work on XrefUtility. It is just designed for COMM PIPS to check on xref data anomaly, but it can be used for any XREF (as long as common column is named as COMMON). It generates multiple reports to show the different anomaly in Xref database. So basically it provides two distinct and valuable features:
- Generates multiple reports for Xref anomaly.
- Provides an interface to fix them

Installation: You can download the XRefUtility from Oracle Support 9326510. The installation note is included but I faced multiple jar files issues during installation. Nothing major, after adding those missing jars or changing path installation goes smooth.

It basically installs FixXref Bpel process and web application called XrefUtility. The FixXref should be installed in default domain. I tried to install in different domain which worked fine during install, but during run time it expected to have it in default domain.

Usage: usage is well documented in the guide but for my own purpose, I created my own XREF table and added my own data to create all possible scenario where Xref can have issues.

I created source table, target table and Xref called Source_Target_Xref. I also created meta data Xref which is not required for the XrefUtility but definitely required if you planning to use FixXRef.

integration/esb/bin/xreftool.sh -shell

User screen to configure Xref is quite simple as show below:

Configure AIA Database and Xref

Configure Source

Configure Target

It can generate multiple reports. As mentioned earlier, I created all possible combination for Xref anomaly, and as mentioned below, reports were able to catch pretty much all of them. Following diagram shows which report causes which type of anomaly.


Along with report it also generates text file which can be used for input to FixXref interface. I did found some issue with Fix Xref but mostly tried to avoid as it is better to fix the code or process which causes such anomaly. Probably, I will blog about FixXref in future.

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